The game is genuinely unsettling when it wants to be, mysterious at other times, and warm and bright in others. I enjoyed the writing greatly and honestly could not find an excuse to put the game down lest I delay finding out more. The story is heartwarming, the characters engaging, and the lessons on point.
#Ikenfell spelltower puzzles how to
You really have to learn how to adapt, how to utilize each character to the best of your ability, and how to build in ways conducive to their skills. And boy does every battle tend to test you. Still, I enjoyed getting used to the various abilities and learning enemy patterns. I was heartened to see accessibility options for removing them, though, as they are absolutely required. Ikenfell is a tidy tactics RPG with timing mechanics.
#Ikenfell spelltower puzzles free
IT has essentially been my obsession since then, taking all my free hours because I wanted to know what happens to the characters, and what has happened to the characters before I played. It's engaging both gameplay wise and story wise, and I would highly recomend playing at least til the refund timer of 2 hours, I started to really enjoy the game then, but I stopped playing, came back later and played further recently. Not in a bad way like the game is too hard, just I didn't wind up with 99 potions in my bag at the end of the last boss fight, more like 5 or 6, which was still more than enough.

Honestly though just check it out, it's a well balanced turn based RPG that gripped me story and gameplay wise, I also feel it's really well balanced as it even had me, a person who plays a lot of turnbased RPGs and is the classic hoarder of "I don't want to use a consumable what if I need it later" using consumables much more often because I felt I had to.

I personally don't think it's a problem and in fact adds to the game as it's one of the few games that has nonbinary pronouns and even in the party selcet screen includes pronouns, but if that bothers you enough to truly miss what is a phenomenal game then just move on, don't buy it and leave a negative review due to it being "woke". Many Turn based RPGs are kind of cookie cutter now a days in my feeling but this one isn't, however that being said if you aren t a fan of so called "woke culture" don't try this game out. However, back to this game the story, the music, the art, and the gameplay all come together to create a turn based RPG like the games that made me fall in love with the series. I could make a whole rant about how action commands can make you feel engaged in a turn based RPG but I feel like if you've ever played some classics like the older paper mario games you'll know what I mean, and if you re a fan of turn based RPGs and haven t played those either check them out their a joy. Where some most turn based RPGs fall short, in my opinion, this game keeps you engaged with action commands. It has beautiful pixel art and a well thought out story, as well as engaging gameplay. If you don't like turn based RPGs this game probably won't be for you, maybe even newer turn based RPG players, but I would still at least recomend trying it out for the 2 hours that Steam will let you refund it for. This game is not only fun to play but is a work of art. I normally don't leave steam reviews, I'm pretty sure I have around 600 games and have probably left around 6 reviews, if you think you'll like it, check it out, truly a diamond in the rough. Secret treasure is hidden everywhere, and every item you find helps you fight against the powers threatening you.TLDR if you like turn based RPGS, especially old school ones with action commands, give the game a shot.

spells are about skill and strategy! Each with its own timing to master 48 unique spells: blast your enemies, knock them back, poison them, or heal and buff your allies.3 students in battle, from a total of 6, each with unique powers and strengths.