Once you have defined your strategy, you can analyze it and determine its viability. The map design is fully customizable, as the program comes with built-in map templates, themes and enables you to change the background and the topic styles and shapes, format the notes and change the alignment. Choose your own challenge or use a predefined one, use the cards to inspire new thoughts, categorize and refine the ideas and see how your strategy starts to take shape. One interesting feature of the program is offered by the 'Brainstorm' section, which can help your team generate new and productive ideas. Your project can be exported to SharePoint, while the Mindjet cloud can help you backup your work and share it with others. Moreover, you can merge map parts or whole maps, insert Outlook and SharePoint items into your project or connect the map to a database (Access, Excel and SQL Server are supported).

In addition, the 'Auto-Calc' feature allows you to sum up costs, compare 'what if' scenarios and so on. The program allows you to assign priority or progress icons to each topic and highlight them with colored flags, smileys and other markers. You can set reminders for each topic, define its properties and relate it to spreadsheet data. Items can be grouped together or linked by inserting relationship arrows. The mind map can include several topics and subtopics, hyperlinks, notes, images, tags, labels and even attachments. You can work with several projects simultaneously, as each map is displayed in a separate tab. The ribbon interface offers easy access to all the options and features, while the 'Getting Started' video guide and the quick tips are there to help beginner users.

Designed to improve work flow and make business processes more efficient, Mindjet MindManager can visually display brainstorming ideas and strategic plans into coherent, professional-looking mind maps.